About Lynette

Absolute Pilates Instructor

Lynette Pertschi
AP Instructor

Fun Facts

Hometown: Carlisle, PA

What is your favorite Pilates Exercise? Anything Prone

What food can you NOT live without? A great salad with homemade dressing or ice cream

Favorite show, movie, or theatrical production? Whatever I am binging at the moment

What do you love to do when you are not teaching? Bake / cook or family game night


I only just started teaching Pilates and Barre in 2015. I was never an athlete during school years, but I always worked out. I loved the feeling of accomplishing a great class. I cannot remember a time when I did not workout. I think I have tried every exercise fad there was to try along the way. Working out with friends and getting out of the house as I got older and had children is what kept me sane.

Here’s a Little About me

Several years ago, I injured my knee and what I was able to do in the form of exercise came with a short list. I was left with cycling when it felt good, yoga, and Pilates. Well, Pilates was so hard, I hated it. Literally. I would go once a week and try, but I could always convince myself to not go. A new class came to the fitness center I belonged to and I fell in love with it – BodyFlow, a yoga/Pilates combo class. It felt right to me. I took it every day it was offered. Unfortunately, I started having serious knee issues and had to go to physical therapy. To my surprise, I was doing Pilates three times a week with the physical therapists. I became stronger and had no knee pain. At that point, I started taking reformer classes with Allison, in the basement of her house and hot yoga at a friend’s studio. It was exactly what I needed. I then added in mat and barre classes and fell in love again.

I feel stronger than I ever have in my life. I love teaching more than I thought I ever would. I like to share the knowledge I have gained and watch when a client gets that “AH HA” moment – I can do that now! Plus, one of my favorite feelings is at the end of a really hard class and you question, “Did I work out?,”  because you feel so good. Mat and barre are like a physical therapy session for the day.

I teach mat and barre at Absolute Pilates and Barre in Mechanicsburg and also at The Studio by Absolute Pilates in Mechanicsburg.

My Resume

I have my Pilates Mat Certification from Absolute Pilates and my Barre Certification from Absolute Barre. My volunteer list and “jobs” list are lengthy. Behavioral Support Aide at Eisenhower Elementary, registrar for the Camp Hill Soccer Club, Designer of the Camp Hill Borough Newsletter, President of the Camp Hill Middle School High School Association, Communicator for New Cumberland School of Ballet where my daughter dances, and I am sure there will be something added by the time you read this.

My Rocks

Would be my husband and my three children. They have watched me for years working out, being healthy. It was difficult for me to take the step into teaching but they all thought that was crazy because that is what I did, work out every day.

My Teaching Philosophy

I definitely need to give a shout out to my husband who has supported me in all that I do.  I am also very thankful for an awesome family who stands beside me and holds me up when I am feeling overwhelmed.

I carry words with me that give me strength - these words came from my mother who lost a battle with pancreatic cancer.  While spending time with her through her treatments and numerous hospital stays I told her she was my hero.  She raised four children on her own and sacrificed so much for us.  She said that I had it all wrong and that I was her Rock!  

Some days those are the words that carry me through - you never know the impact your life and actions will have on others.