Practicing Self-Care and Setting Productive Goals After Loss

When a loved one passes away, our thoughts and actions can become consumed with grief. It's easy to forget to prioritize your needs when mourning, so it's important to make conscious efforts to practice self-care and healthy grieving. Today, Absolute Pilates has some tips to help you through this difficult but natural process.

  • Maintaining Your Body and Mind

When something as atypical as the death of a loved one occurs, it's difficult to maintain your routines during the fallout. It's on you to make it a point to continue healthy habits like diet and exercise. While dealing with the stress and sadness, take steps to ensure you're getting enough sleep, such as ceasing the use of electronics early in the night and not eating immediately before bed. Chances are those closest to you are also processing their grief, so increased personal accountability is a must.

Your mental and physical health are linked in more ways than you may realize. While processing your thoughts and feelings in this difficult time, you might consider mindful methods to get exercise as well as peace of mind. Yoga and mediation are relaxing and healthy methods to keep your body and mind in a beneficial, active yet relaxed state.

With the obligations to friends and family common to the loss of a loved one, as well as the fact that many companies do not offer sufficient paid bereavement time, you may need to look for opportunities to take healthy steps during your other commitments. Packing lunch rather than getting take-out at work, taking stairs instead of elevators when possible, and walking short distances when a vehicle isn't necessary are all great ways to get a little exercise when life gets in the way. This is particularly important for mourners with sedentary jobs.

Giving Yourself Space to Process Your Feelings

If you have the freedom to do so, you might consider getting away from your regular life for a few days as you process your feelings. A trip to Alpine, Utah could be precisely the getaway you need. A hike or horseback riding tour along the Horsetail Falls can clear your mind as you connect with nature away from the stresses of daily life. Another idea is taking a weekend trip to L.A. and enjoying all that city has to offer.

Facing mortality often encourages people to make major life changes. For example, if you feel a career upheaval is in order, online resume templates can set you on your next job hunt in no time. Adding your specific details to tried-and-true forms can set you apart as a professional, capable addition to any team.

Streamline Your Workspace

You can also help yourself through the grieving process by reducing outside stress as much as possible – especially as it pertains to work. Try to keep your workspace clean and clutter-free to avoid subconsciously raising your stress levels. Likewise, take advantage of the resources available to you to simplify your work. That could mean accepting outside help from friends and co-workers or using online tools to streamline your work. For instance, check out this PDF editor online if you need to edit your documents but don’t want to spend a fortune on software.

Leaning on (and Being There for) Family

During this difficult time, you and your loved ones will need to be there for each other in ways that may be unfamiliar to you. Consider who was closest to the departed loved one, and offer your support however you can. This could look like bringing meals around to make sure they're eating, helping them go through the perished loved one's belongings, or just giving them an ear to vent to. If you're among those closest family members, be patient with those who offer you help and accept it if you feel you need to.

Grief affects everyone differently, but the need to maintain your physical and mental health is universal. Make sure you're taking the time to focus on your body, mind, and family.


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