The Best Workouts That Are Easy on the Knees

The Best Workouts That Are Easy on the Knees

As we age, our joints start to feel more strain from years of use and potential inflammation. This can make certain activities, such as exercise, more uncomfortable. However, you can still commit to the healthy, active lifestyle you want by adapting your workouts to accommodate knee pain. Let’s explore a handful of the best workouts that are easy on the knees so you can maintain your physical wellness without straining your joints.


Walking is a supremely underrated form of exercise. It is a low-impact workout that you can tailor to your comfort level, whether that means a leisurely stroll through the park or a brisk walk in your neighborhood. Walking boosts cardiovascular fitness, strengthens bones, and improves balance, all while being much easier on your knees than its more intense cousin, running. Plus, walking gives you the perfect opportunity to get some fresh air and sunshine, contributing to healthy levels of vitamin D.


Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that boasts a host of benefits, and you can practice Pilates for healthy knees to nurture your joints while building muscular endurance. Pilates strengthens the core, improves postural alignment, and enhances balance. These elements work together to support the knees during daily activities. Pilates encourages you to move with awareness and precision, offering a challenging workout that fortifies the body without aggravating the knees.


Swimming stands out as one of the best low-impact workouts by leveraging your buoyancy to eliminate joint strain while strengthening your muscles via resistance. Swimming is a total-body workout that elevates your heart rate, tones your muscles, and builds your stamina without stressing your knees. As you glide through the water, you engage a variety of muscle groups, all while giving your knees a break from gravity’s demands.


Cycling is a wonderful way to keep your legs toned and your heart healthy without putting excessive pressure on your knees. You can venture outdoors for this workout, but a less impactful and more relaxing way to cycle is inside on a stationary bike. By improving your exercise bike routine over time, you’ll maximize the benefits of this aerobic workout that strengthens your legs, hips, and glutes with minimal impact on the knees. Remember to set the bike to the correct resistance and seat height to ensure optimal knee alignment and prevent any undue strain.

Staying active and in shape doesn’t have to come at the expense of your knee health. By trying any of these best workouts that are easy on the knees, you can empower yourself to sustain an exercise regimen at any age. Support your body in the way it needs, and your body will support you in return.


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