How To Properly Warm Up Your Body for Exercise

Take care of your body and help it withstand and recover from your exercise. Use these tips for how to properly warm up your body for exercise. Prevent setbacks and be proactive. Follow these tips for the best workout results and a happy, healthy body!

Dynamic Warmup

Dynamic warmups are done at the start of your exercise routine. These kinds of warmups best prepare you for more high intensity exercises. Do you plan to pump some iron or hit the cardio for a while? Consider dynamic stretches before you begin. These stretches can help you build coordination, mobility, and strength due to an improved workout performance. Dynamic stretches mimic movements that your body will perform in the workout. For example, plan movement-based stretching if you decide to ride a bike or stretch before you go for a run. If you don’t perform these stretches, your body could be prone to injury.

Static Stretching

Static stretching is different in that it’s performed at the end of a workout, rather than the beginning. Instead of movement-based stretching, you’ll want to focus on slow, longer-held stretches. The goal is to loosen the lactic acid buildup in your muscles. Lengthening and loosening your muscles and connective tissues will increase your range of motion and flexibility. Try some triceps, hip flexors, and lying hamstring stretches after your next workout.

Mid-Workout Exercises

Break up your workout with specific exercises that help stretch you mid-workout; they will help prevent your body from tightening up. This is especially important for endurance athletes. A few of these exercises include squats, push-ups, side lunges, and planks. Incorporate Pilate movements as well for best results. The combination of static and dynamic stretches mid-workout will help your body to recover as you exercise.

Prevent injury and reap the benefits of proper exercise recovery. Follow these tips for how to properly warm up your body for exercise. Be proactive and stretch so that you can prevent injuries in the future.


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