Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50

Women over 50, begin to experience changes in their body such as the loss of muscle mass and bone density. Aging also slows down their metabolism and when combined with fewer activities, may lead to weight gain.  That is why you might notice you have a harder time Losing weight as an older adult than when you were younger. Staying in shape as an older woman, especially if you’re over 50 is also necessary to reduce the risk of diseases such as stroke, heart attack, or diabetes.

If you are looking to shed a few pounds or just searching for options to stay in shape, some ways don’t require high-intensity exercises. You can lose weight without being a gym rat. Low impact exercises are much more suitable for your lifestyle given that older adults also tend to be more prone to injury. Here are weight loss tips for women over 50.

  1. Try Low Impact Exercises Like Pilates 

It is never too late to start getting into fitness. Aside from eating right, one way of doing that is by exercising. Choosing a form of exercise, especially if you are over 50, requires a bit more care because your body is not as nimble as it was before. Pilates is a great example of a low-impact exercise as it requires slow and gentle movements that won’t do a number on your joints. As you age, you lose muscle mass and pilates can help maintain those muscles.

Pilates also promotes flexibility so you can move your joints without pain. That way, you can reduce back pain, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Not to mention, it improves your posture and helps you build core strength. In addition, pilates also burns a lot of calories, so it can help you lose weight in a way that isn’t punishing to your body while making you feel good. The great thing about pilates is that you can do it by yourself at home or at a pilates studio with your friends. 

Another low impact exercise women over 50 could try is yoga. There are lots of yoga influencers you could follow, particularly if you have never tried yoga before. Yoga also improves balance, and flexibility, which is beneficial if you want to strengthen your bones. 

2. Get Enough Sleep

Just because you are older does not mean you don’t need to rest. Getting enough sleep is key if you want to maintain a healthy weight. Not getting enough sleep may hinder weight loss and even develop an increased risk of obesity. This is because when you are sleep-deprived, you tend to look to food to help keep you awake. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation also causes your metabolism to move at a slower pace. 

Therefore, the less you sleep, the more likely you are to gain weight. Sleeping right does not equate to being lazy. It is also important to let your body rest and give it enough time to recover. Remember to sleep at least 7 hours at night for optimum health. 

3. Reduce Stress

At your age, it is high time to keep stress levels in check. Let loose a little bit and don’t sweat the little things. Stress can sometimes trigger food cravings, which may cause a person to overeat as a coping mechanism or a source of comfort. Prolonged overeating can lead to weight gain, which is the opposite of what you are aiming for. 

Too much stress can also affect your body. This is why sometimes you feel those knots forming in your back. To help you destress, try getting a massage. There are different types of massages ranging from fiercely intense ones to relaxing ones. These massages also provide different benefits for your body such as lymphatic drainage meant to detoxify the body, to deep tissue massages that release knots and improve posture.

4. Eat a Balanced Diet

A person’s diet plays a significant role in their weight much more than exercise. Your diet should always be a priority, only supplemented by regular exercise. Eating a balanced diet means opting for more fruits and vegetables at mealtimes. It may be tempting but try to avoid fast food. You don’t need that excess sodium and cholesterol in your body, particularly at your age, which may increase your risk of developing heart disease or stroke. 

Try not to skip meals as well. You might think that skipping meals would result in fewer calories consumed by the body. But not eating on time causes the body’s metabolism to slow down as a defense mechanism, which may lead to weight gain instead. Therefore this method would only be counterproductive.  

5. Move Your Body

Exercises for older adults do not mean grueling gym sessions. It is not only punishing for the body but unsustainable as well. If you have attempted some form of exercise only to give up on it because it was too hard only proves that point. Exercise should not just be about hitting the gym but moving your body in a way that is good for you and makes you feel good as well. That way, any activity you choose can be sustainable in the long run because it is something you enjoy. 

The idea is to give your body some sort of activity or movement. This prevents you from becoming a couch potato or completely having a sedentary lifestyle. Even if it is as simple as walking to the park,  light jogging, swimming, or pilates. A bit of exercise makes a world of a difference, especially since older women tend to have limited physical capabilities. 

Losing weight for women over 50 does not mean heading to the gym every day and running yourself to the ground with exercise. It means being more mindful of your diet, reducing stress levels, and not stopping a form of physical activity. Diet and exercise go hand-in-hand so make sure to have a proper balance of both. 


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